The future of EV charging UX. A vision for a seamless, smart, and… | by Pierluigi Rufo | Feb, 2024

[ad_1] A vision for a seamless, smart, and ubiquitous charging experience. EVs charging on a futuristic city street (Bing AI) Over the past few years I’ve been working as a Product Designer for various companies in the mobility industry, in both the private and public domains. Mobility and transportation account for more than 20% of […]

Your users aren’t your friends: An unconventional approach to product design | by Jon Upshaw | Feb, 2024

[ad_1] Designing against confirmation bias. Users don’t always do what we expect. Image credit: Pexels Have you ever asked yourself why “people don’t seem interested in [your product idea]”? After all, you’re brilliant, and your idea should totally work. It makes sense! It’s so perfect even, you’re sure someone from a tech giant would pick […]