Our human habit of anthropomorphizing everything | by Daley Wilhelm | Mar, 2024

[ad_1] Should we be anthropomorphizing AI? Is tech your friend? Of course. Should we treat it as such? Uhhh… Photo by Pavel Danilyuk: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-robot-holding-a-wine-8439094/ Humans anthropomorphize everything. We assign human traits and emotions to animals, inanimate objects, and even software. “Gmail is acting finicky today.” “I swear my cat threw up on the rug just […]

Tension modeling as a UX research and strategy tool | by Stacie Sheldon | Mar, 2024

[ad_1] Who are we designing for? Let’s look at our personas These days, personas take place in many different forms and under many different names. Archetypes, proto-personas, qualitative profiles, and just “personas” are used to identify who we are designing for and to what degree. However, being complex beings, we also have opinions, thoughts, beliefs, […]

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