Angular at Google I/O 2023. Google I/O 2023’s flagship event… | by Emma Twersky


Google I/O 2023’s flagship event happened last month, and Angular had a ton of fun announcing Angular v16!

Read on to learn more about everything Angular announced at I/O this year.

Minko and Madleina share about the latest from Angular, including updates on hydration, SSR, and reactivity. Discover everything from community updates and the request for comments process to new features landing in v16 and beyond!

Emma and Simona introduce you to Angular Signals, a new reactivity model in Angular. Signals equips you with more high quality tools for fine-grained reactivity, while setting you on a well lit path and providing you with guardrails to make your app performant. Learn how to start exploring the developer preview in Angular v16 today.

Ready to build with Signals? Emma and Alex walk through a real application and the Signals API. You’ll learn about the three reactive primitives introduced with Angular Signals: signal(), computed(), and effect() and how to start building with them in v16.

In addition, we also released the codelab for Getting started with Angular Signals so you can follow along and get started building with signals on your own!

Angular is constantly collaborating with teams like Chrome’s Aurora, Firebase, Flutter and more, to improve developer experience for all developers. Check out the Google Developer keynote to learn more:

Curious how Angular and Flutter Web can work together? Learn more in “Evolving Flutter’s support for the web”!

Ready to deploy? Firebase can now run Angular Universal with Firebase deploy:

If you’re a web developer chances are you’re using Chrome DevTools. Brush up on the best practices for debugging your apps in “Debugging modern web applications”:

That’s just a small snapshot of everything announced at I/O 23. Find the rest of the content in the event’s program page.

Emma, Mark, and the team are so excited to bring this content (and more) in-person and around the globe this summer! Make sure you check out the Web demos area to find us there together with more resources and learning opportunities.

Can’t wait to see you all online and in-person!


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