Angular at Google I/O 2023. Google I/O 2023’s flagship event… | by Emma Twersky

[ad_1] Google I/O 2023’s flagship event happened last month, and Angular had a ton of fun announcing Angular v16! Read on to learn more about everything Angular announced at I/O this year. Minko and Madleina share about the latest from Angular, including updates on hydration, SSR, and reactivity. Discover everything from community updates and the […]

Catch up on the Artificial Intelligence event from the European Illustrators Forum – The AOI

[ad_1] AI and the Illustration Industry Webinar This recent collaborative event, exploring the impact of generative AI on the illustration industry, was organised by The European Illustrators Forum. Four knowledgeable speakers from across Europe explored ongoing developments in generative artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on the illustration industry. Paolo Rui, Nurgül Senefe, Anna Karina […]

Notice of XSS issue affecting Angular Universal 16.1.0–16.1.1 | by Emma Twersky

[ad_1] Yesterday the Angular team became aware of a bug in the Critters npm package that can lead to cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. This issue affects Critters versions 0.0.17, 0.0.18, and 0.0.19. Version 0.0.20 contains a fix. Angular Universal (specifically @nguniversal/common) versions 16.1.0–16.1.1 depend on the impacted versions of Critters. This vulnerability is fixed in […]

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