Hamas is accused of using suicide bombers, according to an IDF soldier.

[ad_1] In the ongoing IDF operations within the confines of the Gaza Strip, Hamas insurgents persist in employing unconventional warfare techniques, as reported recently by Maariv. A deployed infantryman who experienced service in Gaza conveyed to the publication on Tuesday that Hamas is resorting to the use of suicide bombers. “For those not within the […]

Hamas Allegedly Exploits Hospitals for Terror Purposes, Admission Reportedly Made by Gaza Hospital Director

[ad_1] In a revelation on Tuesday, Ahmad Kahlot, the head of Kamaal Aduan Hospital in Jabliya, Gaza, admitted to the Shin Bet that Hamas had commandeered the hospital as a military operations center. Kahlot, who joined Hamas in 2010 at the equivalent rank of a brigadier-general, disclosed that numerous hospital staff, including doctors, nurses, paramedics, […]

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